Sunday, December 12, 2021


 EOTO #2

Printing Press: 

    The Printing Press was a revolutionary invention that did truly create and inspire a whole new wave of technology that helped shape the world we live in today. The Printing Press was first experimented on in 1440 in France before it was brought and used in Germany. Prior to the press, the producing of books was not only very expensive but also very time consuming. Someone had to physically copy the books word for word in order to share the information that was in them. As the printing press' popularity and use of it began to grow around Europe, changes began to occur throughout the world. 

    Before the printing press, the Catholic church essentially had a monopoly on books and information. The majority of people could not read or write, but the clergy were and so people would go to the clergy because they could and the church would tell them only opinions or give them information that fit into the church's narrative and teachings. The printing press allowed for things like the Protestant Reformation, and its leaders like Martin Luther to use the printing press to help spread his ideas. 

    It was movements like the Protestant Reformation that were in a large part due to the printing press. Other ideas and movements also had help thanks to the printing press. The Renaissance was able to pick up because of the printing press. Some of the ancient writings of Plato and Aristotle among other ancient works, who helped build Western civilization, were able to be seen more and more due to the process of delivering information becoming quicker. As it was stated before, reproducing books prior to the printing press was a long and expensive process, but when the invention came along, it was much faster and much cheaper so ideas like the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, modern science, and democracy and more were finally made possible because of the press. 

    In conclusion, the printing press was a groundbreaking invention not just for Europe but for the entire world. Revolutionary ideas were finally able to be widespread and led to the creation truly of modern news and the delivering of information while also helping to increase the desire to read and write. Without the printing press our world would look a whole lot different today. 

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