Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Power of the Media

The Power of the Media

How the establishment uses the press to control the narratives

    This will be my most controversial blog post. I will discuss how the government and the media work in lockstep to promote their agenda at that time. I want to express in this blog how the deep state uses their old buddy the media, to promote narratives at a point in time that fit into what their goal is during that period of time. The media promotes these ideas as "the truth", until their goal has been reached, and the "the truth" changes again when the opposite is needed to enforce the decisions. 

    How can the left back in the 1960s call for their support of free speech, anti war, anti establishment etc. And then you look at the left of the 2020s and they are calling for censorship, and have been favorable of various wars, and now are the definition of the establishment? How can this be? Well, the uncomfortable truth about politics is when you boil everything down to what the raw truth is to put it simply: politics is about advancing your values, your worldview, and your beliefs and about crushing the power of those who stand in the way. We can try and play the polite game of how it's about all these conflicting and complex constitutional arguments, and that CNN and NBC and the New York Times are trusted, and reliable, credible news stations, and so on. The vast majority of society is filled with two kinds of people. This is the sheep and the shepherds. 

    The sheep are the those who don't really think much about deeper or complex issues, they are more occupied and distracted by the NFL to look and see what their country and world is turning into. These are the people who have no problem reading the "experts" and the mainstream media sites, thinking they have a choice. Not even doing the ounce of effort to research and see that 90% of all media is owned by just 6 companies. The government doesn't even need to completely control the small amount of independent, critical thinkers that are willing to go against the establishment, because as long as they don't have a huge amount of support in society, they won't even know they are around. Most people either choose not to or are incapable of truly being free thinkers and so as long as they have food, clothing, and mass entertainment, they won't go questioning anything about their government.     

    The other group of people in society are the shepherds, these are those that may hold essentially any worldview, any religion, any ideology but they are trying to secure power for their side to have influence in the ways in which politics and their government is run. These are the people that can be on the right or the left or somewhere in between. 

    The media is and has always been the most powerful force of shaping public opinion ever. Sometimes I think I am in crazy land when if I just turn back the clock just a little over a year ago in the summer and fall of 2020 when you have prominent members of the establishment, maybe it was now Vice President Kamala Harris saying she wouldn't get the vaccine, or former Vice President Joe Biden said similar things. Among other prominent Democrats whether it be Illhan Omar, Andrew Cuomo, or various news commentators. The same people are able to say one thing and then completely changed their tune just a year later and nobody says anything. Dr. Fauci did the same thing when it came to masks. Back in early 2020 when COVID first started to spread, Fauci said that nobody needs to be wearing masks. And then five minutes later he's supporting government mandates for masks and vaccines. 

    Most Conservatives can notice the blatant hypocrisy from all these sources, and then they just laugh and act smug toward it. This is the biggest political mistake the right can make and if conservatives want any chance to turn this country and the West around they need to start paying attention to a larger problem that is going on. The establishment is able to get away with all this hypocrisy because the vast majority of people are not free thinkers, and they will listen to whoever is making the narrative. I know it is not polite to say that most people don't really critically think and they are mostly sheep that are more concerned about the next Marvel movie that is coming out, but it's the truth. The main takeaway I want to show from this blog is the power of the media and of the established institutions to craft and control the narratives. If I a Conservative were to appear on CNN, NBC, or write an article for the New York Times as an "expert" or an "advisor" and said exactly the opposite to what the establishment had been saying for months, people would go along with it, I firmly believe it. 

    We can clearly see the power of the media and we can also see from before that 6 companies control virtually all of the media in this control. And if all of them are conveying the same message, what do you think 95% of the general public will basically believe, teach, and follow? It doesn't really matter who's in office when the media are pushing propaganda and lies. 



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The Power of the Media

The Power of the Media How the establishment uses the press to control the narratives     This will be my most controversial blog post. I wi...