Saturday, November 6, 2021

Top 5 Sources of News and Information

 My Top 5 Sources of News and Information 

    While I may only be 19 years old, my political views have changed throughout my years several times now. At times the changes are drastic and sometimes they are minor. The same thing applies to which news sources I trust with gathering current events in order to make my own independent viewpoints on the biggest topics of the time. Like everyone in the entire world, I have a bias. I hold very strong political viewpoints and by using several platforms to gather information, helps me to get a better perspective on issues. However, they all are on very different platforms and ways of showing the information they have to offer. Some do more investigating journalism, while others are largely opinion pieces. I try to hold a solid variety in the format, platform, and how professional or efficient the content of my news sources are, in order to gain enough understanding of the current situations to develop my own opinions. 


The Daily Wire

I can remember just a few years ago when the Daily Wire was just a relatively small conservative blog. Over the past couple years they have been one of the quicker growing platforms in the area of conservative news. When a very controversial or hot political topic is on the rise, I always check out to see the article(s) that are written on their website to see another viewpoint. What I really enjoy about the Daily Wire is that it is a pretty small company still, so a lot of the articles are written by names that are recognized easier, giving it a more friendly feel to be more familiar with those who are updating me on the news. 



    It is tough to find another platform that has some much news from so many different perspectives than  YouTube. There are so many independent and big names when it comes to news that are all on one platform. I began to get my news from YouTube back to my early teenage years and the amount of information seems to grow by the day that is on the site. 

Trafalgar Group logo.png

Trafalgar Group

    This may seem like a strange one to have as a news site. However, I frequent go to the Trafalgar Group in order to gauge what public opinion is currently like in our country. Trafalgar made a name for themselves during the 2016 election in which they correctly predicted a Trump victory. They further cemented themselves as a credible pollster during the 2018 midterms, the 2020 election, and more recently in the 2021 governor’s elections in Virginia and New Jersey. We all know that media has a confirmation bias on both sides of the political spectrum, however Trafalgar, despite some labeling the group as a far-right organization has accurately predicted nearly every election in the last five years. There are times when they do get certain races wrong, but it is much closer than some of the bigger names out there. 

Instagram: A guide for parents


Instagram is similar to YouTube in a lot of ways. It is one of the bigger social media platforms out there. However the difference between the two is there is a lot more polished and professional content on YouTube, while Instagram is filled with a lot more images and small videos, usually of front line events rather than commentary. A lot of the time Instagram will feature short, quick videos of topics or perspectives that are not covered on mainstream media. Many times I notice myself distrusting the mainstream media more and more after seeing independent people and places on Instagram. 


Fox News Removes Altered Photo of Seattle Protests From Website - Variety

Fox News 

Fox News is a program I was exposed to through my family since I was very young. Fox has been basically my go-to site for news up until a couple years ago. Before recently, I would consume almost all of my news from Fox and did not really look into any other news outlets or platforms. My opinion has shifted to Fox being one of the places I will still frequently look to in certain situations, but will not always agree with them like I have done so in the past. I usually prefer certain news anchors and shows on Fox compared to their online articles. 


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